John Stauff Award

The Region XIX JOHN STAUFF SCHOLAR-ATHLETE AWARD is given annually to a female student athlete in Region XIX.


*must participate in a NJCAA sanctioned sport in Region XIX

*must have achieved a minimum of a 3.5GPA and 36 credits (transcript required)

*minimum of All-Conference, All-Region and/or All-American recognition

*community service - e.g. club memberships, office held, assisting athletic or other college departments, etc.

Past Recipients:

2023-24 - Kania Day (Northampton)
2021-22 - Jordan Viggiano (Ocean County College)
2020-21 - Emily Clayton (Brookdale Community College)
2019-20 - Dayna Van Pelt (Brookdale Community College)
2018-19 - Pascal El-Khouri (Ocean County College)
2017-18 - Samantha Allen (Ocean County College)
2016-17 - Camille Caupad (Bergen Community College)
2015-16 - Nadio Vaso (Bergen Community College)
2014-15 - Amanda Anastascia (Brookdale Community College)
2013-14 - Bobbie Boehler (Brookdale Community College)
2012-13 - Kathleen Sharp (Brookdale Community College)
2011-12 - Elizabeth Lawler (Ocean County College)
2010-11 - Ashley Frazell (Sussex County Community College)